The Investors’ Direction after Covid Crisis
Due to the Covid Pandemic, experienced investors direction shifted to purchasing freehold managed farmlands. It is becoming more and more obvious that managed farmlands have a significant fundamental value that is likely to increase in the very near future. Even during economic uncertainty, like these days, agriculture is beating other asset classes. Investors move their funds from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and precious metals to managed farmlands. Why? The answer is very simple. Because people will buy the food regardless of the economy’s conditions, as it is vital for life, and humans can not survive without food. Managed farmlands that produce commodity value dry fruits such as almonds and walnuts will have increasing value day by day. It doesn’t make sense to invest in non-reliable assets like traditional real estate and volatile stocks during those times.
Coronavirus crises currently threaten the world economy due to rising market uncertainty. Even if governments worldwide get coronavirus under control, it will reappear once again when the cold air comes back next winter. The story’s lesson is that we can not be sure exactly when and how long this global situation can impact the economy, and investors must explore options for long-term financial protection. Managed Farmlands investment offers a strong, reliable, and secure investment. Regardless of the economy, we all have to eat, and there is a finite amount of farmland available with fertile soil and good water. Countries need the food produced on their farmlands non-stop. This essential need for nutrition will never disappear. The effect on the industry is simple as the managed farmlands are expected to increase in value in the coming years. As we are witnessing the actual global coronavirus crisis today, the same thing can not be said about other investments such as bonds, stocks, shares, or traditional real estate.
Managed Farmlands as a Category of Assets
The primary economic needs detailed above are likely to occur in the years and decades ahead as the population grows and good quality farmland becomes rarer. As a result, farmland investments will continue to develop. The world needs to feed its people, and this constant need is increasing as the population continues to grow. Farmland as an asset class will increase in value. With enough data and information about the last global economic crisis, it is becoming increasingly clear the farmland sector is counter-cyclical to the economy as a whole, making it one of the best investments during recessions and global financial crises. The conclusion is that the population will always need food grown on farms to provide for the continuously increasing demand.
Why Managed Farmlands are Very Reliable
The resilience of farmland returns during a global economic recession is a big reality, and it is proven one more time today. The economy is incredibly volatile with several financial crises, especially with the Covid-19 problem. Even real estate values are getting badly impacted during those times of uncertainty. Due to a deeply interconnected global economy, a single event in China, Europe, the United States, or elsewhere has the potential to start dramatic fluctuations in the values of:
- Traditional Real Estate
- Mutual Funds
- Precious Metals
- Stocks
- Cryptocurrencies
- And many other investment products
One investment remains the same, a true constant amidst the seemingly inevitable market volatility: MANAGED FARMLANDS.

The 2008 financial crisis caused severe and prolonged recessions in many of the world’s leading economies. The negative consequences of the financial crisis were experienced across most sectors of the economy. However, this period was relatively profitable for the agricultural industry, resulting in strong farm-gate profitability and higher agricultural land values.
The food consumed in cities, suburbs, and rural areas is grown on our country’s farms and farmland in other countries. This means a farmland investment is one of the safest places to invest your money.
Another fact is that as cities grow and constantly expand, the space allocated for farmlands is getting limited. As a result, there is an emerging imbalance between the little land available for farming and our growing population. We can certainly make more automobiles, residential compounds, and giant city skyscrapers, but we can not make more farmlands. This element of natural shortage makes farmland worth that much more as our planet’s natural resources decline and the population reaches new highs with each passing year.
We know that the growth of the world population will not stop, and the availability of good farmlands will be less and less. Therefore, farmland is likely to increase in value across posterity or maintain its value even in the worst-case scenario.
Why Investors Convert to Farmland During Times of Uncertainty
The resilience and consistency of farmland returns are exceptional compared to other investment alternatives. Farmland’s low volatility can be particularly valuable in periods of financial uncertainty. Unlike other financial products, the asset has proven to be highly resilient in periods of economic change, outperforming all other assets classes. These factors certainly create a compelling case to include farmland in a diversified portfolio. People will always need nutritious, tasty food, making farmland a savvy investment in 2020, 2030, and beyond.
Additional Benefits of Managed Farmlands
Some countries will print money and create inflation in response to economic crises like the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, money usually loses some of its value due. Inflation makes the money you worked hard for the worth that much less. The land is always good protection against inflation, and farmland positively correlates with inflation as an asset class. Historically, farmland values always have risen faster than inflation; therefore, farmlands are adequate insurance against inflation and a capital protection instrument. Add in the fact that supermarkets across the globe increase food prices when crises such as the coronavirus happen, and it is that much easier to understand why harvest income spikes during the economic crisis. Parallel to this point, Invest4land always offers high commodity value crops such as almonds and walnuts. In addition to that, investors can always have an extra income and value from the additional farming models in the same land, such as free-range egg production, livestock farming, and bee farming under the agroforestry concept. Farmland generates assets such as food and other raw materials that people will always need, regardless of the phases of the economy or the latest coronavirus crisis.

Performance of Managed Farmlands During Economic Crisis like the Coronavirus
There is a common misconception that precious metals such as gold and silver are the only safe investment during economic or political disorder. But they can go down dramatically when there is no equity in the markets. The average investor has understandably overlooked the safe haven of farmland simply because investing in farmland used to be very complex and expensive in the past. Thanks to the revolutionary concept of Invest4land, buying farmland is very simple and hassle-free. Invest4land manages the investor’s land and delivers the returns at the end of each harvest year. With Invest4land, investors can have full freehold ownership in Turkey, and Turkey’s best European-based managed almond or walnut farmlands.
Farmland investors have the opportunity to make money in two ways:
- Land value always increases as time progresses.
- Profit from the harvest of that land with the dry fruit plus additional income under the agroforestry concept.
Invest4land model is different from other farmland platforms, as it allows you to own the actual farmland, all the infrastructure on the land, the trees on them, and the profits from the harvest. Forget everything you know about traditional real estate. Smart Agricultural real estate promises much higher and more stable returns than traditional real estate. Start to earn over 20% annual returns today with freehold managed farmlands
- Full Title Deed Ownership (%100 Freehold)
- High Income (Up to 20.6% average for the 1st ten years)
- Every Year, Your Income Grows as your tree grows till its maturity
- After year 10, investment Return Can Reach Over 38.4% annually
- Easy Payment Options (30% Down payment, 24 months installment)
- Hassle-Free Investments Invest4Land does all the processes from A-Z
- Highest Productivity and Quality
- Easy and highly Profitable Exit strategy
- Tax Incentive Advantages for the walnut farmland landowners
- Farmland Management System

Asset Diversification with Managed Farmlands
According to the report’s projections, the current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030 and over 10 billion in 2050. Sustainable agriculture is the only solution to feed such a population. Nothing will be as valuable as good farmland with fertile soil and good water. Assets such as farmland prove to be highly effective investments in asset diversification. The addition of a farmland portfolio increases your average yearly investment return while reducing your portfolio’s volatility. Investing in farmland is a niche market that is less correlated with the stock returns, bond markets, and traditional real estate. As farmers must continue to produce food, investing in farmlands today only seems logical. Invest4land provides a solution to investors with up to 60 years of management guarantee. In that way, investors never have to worry about the management and hassle side of the farming business. Invest4land offers harvest reports and immediate payment to investors.
If you want more information about the Spanish Golden Visa with Invest4Land, leave your info below, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
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