Where to Invest During Covid-19 Pandemic?
Have you been spending the past weeks trying to understand what is going on in the world and the impact on our planet and local economy?
Have you read, watched, and studied all the information about stocks real estate and tried to understand what will be your next best possible investment move during this unprecedented crisis?
Well, the good news is: you are not the only ones!
The current effect of the coronavirus pandemic is still widely visible and is significantly impacting several industries. Supply chains have been disrupted, unemployment rates have hit the roof, and the public health crisis has escalated in many countries.
Despite implementing government stimulus packages and interest rates dropping to near zero, the Covid-19 pandemic still affects many industries. In addition to that, investors doesn’t know where to invest during Covid-19 pandemic.
It is becoming clear that the least affected industries are the digital industries, health care REITs, or life and health insurance companies. Still, another industry has been stable as well, and it is the Food Industry.
Bill Gates invested $171 million to buy 14,500 acres of farmland in Southern Washington.
Yes, folks, we may be in crisis, but we still need to eat; some of us even went into a frenzy stock-piling at the beginning of the lockdowns! So here it is, even in the worst periods, few stable industries survive, and agricultural real estate is one of them. World Famous Investors such as Howard Buffet, Jim Rogers, and George Soros have been heavily investing in farmlands! According to the Land Report, Bill Gates spent $171 million to buy 14,500 acres of farmland in Southern Washington, the most expensive U.S. land sale so far this year. The Microsoft Corp co-founder bought the farmland recently, and the purchase includes about 10,500 acres of irrigated farmland, 3,900 rangeland, and about 140 in an area known as Horse Heaven Hills.

Why are so many high-profile investors capitalizing massively on agriculture?
Farmland remains, even now, fundamentally a safety move and a hedge against stock market volatility. Farmland is an attractive bet in an unsettled environment where legacy market dynamics are tossing and turning. This is all about global food demand and fundamental land shortage for high-quality farmlands. Savvy investors know that farmlands will perform the best during and after this crisis.
How to make a farmland investment today?
Invest4Land understood the importance of agriculture and the food industry many years ago and created the concept of managed farmlands for investors.
Invest4land offers managed almond and walnut farmlands with freehold title deeds, management guarantees, and long-term payment plans. Our farmlands are located in Turkey. These countries are well known to be the Food heavens of Europe.

You can own freehold farmland and earn high annual returns of over 15%!
Invest4land specializes in the cultivation of almonds and walnuts. Almonds and walnuts are some of the most consumed nuts globally, and there is over an 80% supply shortage for almonds in Europe.
In the heart of Europe, investors can now add a fully managed almond farmland asset to their portfolio. We know that agriculture investments have proven fantastic and profitable diversification investments. With Invest4land knowledge and support, you can own freehold farmland and earn high annual returns of over 15%.
Invest4land performs “biological and sustainable farming” using the best high-production system. We handle the entire management process with our management company Konsept Tarim in Turkey to deliver outstanding results to our investors.
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